Programs from prior years:

Friday, September 11, 2020
NGC Goals &Objectives: Education, Environment & Conservation, Horticulture

Program:“Never Ending Story” (1984)
Weeds, weeds, and more weeds are often defined simply as plants growing where they are not wanted. Even desirable plants can be considered weeds when their growing characteristics (e.g., aggressive spread throughout a cultivated bed) makes them less desirable or when environmental conditions (e.g., excessive rain) cause them to overtake our landscapes and become impossible to manage. Some weeds have redeeming characteristics such as the fact that they are edible or may be used medicinally, are attractive wildflowers, or provide excellent food and shelter for wildlife. As gardeners, we need to learn which of these plants should be allowed to grow and which should be quickly eradicated. When plants become so aggressive that they invade minimally-managed areas, interfere with native species, or interrupt the function of natural environments, they are called invasive species. Thus, control of unwanted and invasive plants can feel like a Never Ending Story for weary gardeners! 

Location:Immanuel Church of Christ
5401 White Hall Road, Cambridge, MD, 410-228-4640

Agenda:9:00 am – 10:30 amEntries Accepted 
10:30 am -11:00 amJudging/Social Time
11:00 am –12:00 pmBusiness Meeting
12:00 pm – 1:00pmLunch/View exhibits
1:00 pm - 2:00 pmProgram

Speaker:Mikaela Boley works as a Senior Agent Associate for the University of Maryland Extension Service in Talbot County for Urban Horticulture and has coordinated the Master Gardener volunteer program since 2012. Her expertise is in Native Plants of Delmarva, Landscape Design and Bay-wise Practices. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Horticulture from the University of Minnesota, and interned at Adkins Arboretum before moving permanently to Easton from her home state of Wisconsin. In 2017, she finished her Masters in Applied Entomology from UMD- College Park. Mikaela continues to serve Mid-Shore communities in the area of urban horticulture.

Program Chair: Martha Keating
Hosts: Nancy Barger & Pat Beck
Horticulture: Joan P. Johnson & Susan Matthews 
Design: Lynne Davis & Martha Keating
Consultant: Faye Phillips
Clerk: Linda Easter


Division I – Horticulture
Class 1.Rosa (Roses)
a.Miniature single
c.Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora
d.Floribunda, Polyantha, Carpet, Climber – one spray
e.Shrub, Old Garden roseMikaela Boley

Class 2.Conifers – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/
maximum length 24”)
a.With cones or berries
b.Without cones or berries

Class 3.Broadleaf Evergreen Tree or Shrub – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/maximum length 24”)
c. Fruited

Class 4.Deciduous Tree or Shrub – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/maximum length 24”)

Class 5.Ilex (Holly) – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/maximum length 18”)

Class 6.Container Grown Plants (maximum pot diameter 8”)

Class 7.Open Class
a. Annual
b. Perennial
c. Biennial
d. Bulb, corm, rhizome, tuber
e. Vines

Class 8.Ornamental Grasses – single cut grass culm (stem) measuring 24” – 30” from cut end to tip of flower head (spike, raceme or panicle)
a.Muhlenberia capillaris (pink muhly grass)
b. Pennisetum (fountain grass)
c. Chasmanthium latifolium (northern sea oats), 3 stems required
d. Any other cut grass with spike, raceme or panicle.

Division II – Design – Never Ending Story
Class 1. HB pg. 78, Section H. Low-Profile Design. Eligible for Companion Design (see p. 31).
Designs will be placed on a black step stool (9” x9” x 1’). Limit four designs per class. Individuals must register with Kay Karminski and collect the step stool from Cheryl Willey by August 14, 2020. 
Class 2. HB pg. 79, section K. Underwater Design.