Interested in our HISTORY?
 You can link here to our ARCHIVED documents (2012-2020)
     NOTE: several "links" in our web archive are broken and are being repaired.
Our DGC Newsletter  (The Diggers) reports on current club activities, for the season, and also contains gardening tips. 
Created quarterly by Editor Ellen Higgins. Contact her if you have photos or materials to be included at: e-mail of Ellen Higgins.
Spring 2020
Winter 2020

DGC also publishes a monthly short newsletter, called the  BUZZ 
available to members only 

Here are some recent PRESS releases about our Club in local Newspapers and TV news:
Dec 2017: Dorchester Garden Club tree on display in Annapolis in The Star

In 2021 we gave out two $500 Scholarship Awards  to High School students.

The local Newspaper reported on our June 2021 Annual  Picnic event
In 2021: Left to right Cheryl Willey (DGC Vice-President), Billie Norton (DGC Member), Rachel Widmaier (student), Ja Nae Smith (student), Bobbie Rideout (DGC Schlarship Cmt)
Dorchester Garden Club Scholarship Awards Presented to Ja Nae Smith and Rachel Widmaier (July 2021)
The Dorchester Garden Club presented College Scholarship Awards to two young women from Dorchester County this week: Ja Nae Smith, a resident of Cambridge and a South Dorchester High School graduate and Rachel Widmaier of East New Market and North Dorchester High School. 

In August 2021, Ms. Smith will be heading to the University of Maryland, majoring in Biology and Ms. Widmaier will attend New Mexico State University, majoring in Animal Science. The club’s scholarship is awarded to an applicant pursuing a major in the field of agriculture, botany, landscape design, environmental science or related field.  

This year’s DGC scholarship committee included Bobbie Rideout and Billie Norton. DGC Vice President, Cheryl Willey was also on hand to facilitate the award presentation. This was the first year DGC awards were given out to applicants from both North Dorchester and South Dorchester High Schools. DGC President, David Adams, commented “our club is so happy to support these two deserving young women as they embark on the next exciting new venture in their education and careers that will make a difference in our world. They make all of Dorchester proud!” 

"The Digger "Spring-Summer  2021
Summer-Fall 2020
DGC Press Releases and
our CLUB NEWSLETTER ("The Diggers")

Ellen Higgins (see above)
BUZZ:  Jan 2022 BUZZ (click here)
The DIGGER    Fall - Winter 2021
BUZZ:   March 2022 BUZZ newsletter (click here)
April-May 2022 BUZZ Newsletter  - click here
The DIGGER -  Summer-Fall 2022 

BUZZ for July-Aug 2022

BUZZ Aug 2022 Addendum
Updated June 5, 2024 and Nov 30, 2023 with most recent DIGGER
The DIGGER -  Spring 2022 

The prior  DIGGER- Dec 2022 HOLIDAY Luncheon
Also Special Publication : DGC 2021-2023 IN REVIEW
Two years of Events and Programs by Past President David Adams
(March 7, 2023)
The Spring-Summer 2023 DIGGER
The most recent Fall 2023 DIGGER (almost winter),   Click here.
         Coming soon: Spring-Summer 2024 DIGGER
New BUZZ newsletter(s) by Kay Karminski in 2023-2025: 
                Distributed via e-mail to DGC Members.
                Click her for May 2024 BUZZ by Kay Karminski