Events and Programs in March 2024
Friday, March 8, 2024
Program: “Annual Meeting and Riverkeeper Programs Presentation”
Location: Cambridge Yacht Club
1 Mill Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Agenda: 9:30 am - 10:30 am Entries Accepted
10:30 am - 11:15 am Judging/Social Time
11:15 am – 12:00 pm Business Meeting
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Lunch/View Exhibits
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm Program
Speaker: Matt Pluta,
Choptank Riverkeeper &
Director of Riverkeeper Programs
As Choptank Riverkeeper and Director of Riverkeeper Programs, Matt is dedicated to safeguarding the long-term health of the river, guarding against illegal and harmful pollution, and building a stronger voice for the protection of the river’s natural resources. Matt has a degree in biology and environmental studies from Penn State University and has an advanced degree in environmental policy. His professional experience includes water quality monitoring, environmental policy, community organizing, and advocacy. Matt transplanted to the Eastern Shore from the Great Lakes region, bringing with him his passion for clean water and outdoor recreation.
Program Chair: Fran Collins
Horticulture: Jeanne Bernard, Susan Matthews
Design: Nancy Johnson, Dee Terry
Consultant: Karen Cartwright
Clerk: Fay Singer
Division I – Horticulture
Class 1. Forced Branches – 1 branch (minimum
length 6”/ maximum length 24”)
a. Forsythia
b. Pussy Willow
c. Any other
Class 2. African Violets
a. Pot diameter 3” or less
b. Pot diameter more than 3”
Class 3. Conifers – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/
maximum length 24”)
a. With cones or berries
b. Without cones or berries
Class 4. Broad leaf Evergreen Tree or Shrub – 1 branch
(minimum length 6”/ maximum length 24”)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage
c. Fruited
Class 5. Ilex (Holly) – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/
maximum length 18”)
a. Foliage
b. Fruited
Class 6. Container Grown Plants (maximum pot diameter 8”)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage
Class 7. Open Class
a. Annual
b. Perennial
c. Biennial
d. Bulb, corm, rhizome, tuber
e. Vines
Division II – Design
Class 1. “Four Leaf Clover” – Monochromatic (Green –color and hue) Design
HB Pg. 64 – 5a.
Class 2. “At the End of the Rainbow” – Polychromatic (Multicolored) Design
HB Pg. 65 – 5f.
To View Events and Programs for this month
during prior year(s), please refer to prior year
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