Events and Programs in May 2023
Friday, May 12, 2023
“The 3 - B’s Honey”
Location: Cambridge Yacht Club
1 Mill Street
Cambridge, MD 21613
Agenda: 9:30 am - 10:30 am Entries Accepted
10:30 am - 11:15 am Judging/Social Time
11:15 am – 12:00 pm Business Meeting
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm Lunch/View Exhibits
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm Program
Speaker: Mike and Allison Blankenship ,
Beekeepers, Preston MD
Mike Blankenship and his wife Allison are Beekeepers on Newton Rd. In Preston, Md. 3-B’s Honey is named for their three kids who are age 3,6 & 7! Mike and Allison have been Beekeeping since 2018. They started with (3) hives and now 4-yrs. later they have (32) full size hives and (35) Nucs, (a half hive that will grow into a full size hive next year). Mike and Allison enjoy keeping bees and watching as the colonies thrive and grow. They both work in healthcare for their “Real Jobs”, and the Bees keep them very busy on their days off. April thru October they are busy with the hives every week. In the fall and winter it’s less busy with actual hands on Bee-time and more equipment preparation time. They enjoy Beekeeping, honey processing, plus teaching interested people about Bees! Mike and Allison do all of their own honey extraction, bottling, candle making, lip balm and other products made from their Beeswax! Mike and Allison are passionate to meet and connect with their customers.
Program Chair: Cheryl Willey
Judges :
Horticulture: Anne Asplen, Regina Butler
Design: Karen Collins, Kathy Anderson
Consultant: Jeanne Bernard
Clerk: Bobbie Rideout
Division I – Horticulture
Class 1 Rosa (Roses)
a. Miniature single
b. Miniature spray
c. Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora
d. Floribunda, Polyantha, Carpet, Climber – one spray
e. Shrubs, Old Garden Rose
Class 2. Conifers – one branch (minimum length 6”/maximum length 24”)
a. With cones or berries
b. Without cones or berries
Class 3. Broadleaf Evergreen Tree or Shrubs – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/
maximum length 24”)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage
c. Fruited
Class 4. Deciduous Tree or Shrub – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/maximum 24”)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage
c. Fruited
Class 5. Ilex (Holly) – 1 branch (minimum length 6”/
maximum length 18”)
a. Foliage
b. Fruited
Class 6. Open Class
a. Annual
b. Perennial
c. Biennial
d. Bulb, corm, rhizome, tuber
Class 7. Iris, Tall or Intermediate Bearded
a. White, cream, yellow, orange or peach
b. Pink, rose, red or brown
c. Blue, purple or violet
d. Blend or bi-color
e. Vines
Class 8. Miniature Iris
Class 9. Bearded Iris – Japanese, Spuria or Siberian
Class 10. Bulbous Iris – English, Dutch or Spanish
Class 11. Any other Iris
Class 12. Container Grown Plants (maximum pot diameter 8”)
a. Flowering
b. Foliage
Division II – Design:
Class 1. “Honey I’m Home” - Illuminary Design–HB Pg. 74 – I.
Class 2.– “April Showers Bring May Flowers” – Underwater Design –
HB Pg. 79 – K. May be entered as a Companion Design as described in
HB Pg. 79 – X – A – b.
HB = HandBook
THE HANDBOOK FOR FLOWER SHOWS - 2020 and 2017 Editions
published by National Council Of State Garden Clubs
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