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Have a question or want to learn more about us - are you interested in becoming a DGC MEMBER or a Friend of DGC?  Send us an email via this web page by clicking on the link to the right  (it will be sent to the DGC President)
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We'd love to hear from you and your ideas for our website.  Click on this link to let us know more about you.
Get in touch with us...................... You can directly contact us via the DGC e-mail at:
You can also write us
   Dorchester Garden Club,
   P.O. Box 1005
   Cambridge, Maryland 21613-1005

Or find more information on our FaceBook page

Most recent website Updates on June 4, 2024;
Dec 21, 2023; Nov 30, 2023, 
Aug 5, 2023, July 13, 2023 and April 14, 2023.
Welcome from Kay Karminski
President of the DGC

Click here for Kay's welcome words

This website provides occasional updates 
not found in the DGC Yearbook

The new May 2024  DIGGER newsletter is online- Click here

Watch the 3 minute MOVIE from the  DGC HOLIDAY LUNCHEON  
on  Dec 14, 2023  (may be a slow download...90 MByte..patience)

Click here for 2024-2025 Officers (leadership team)

The Dorchester Garden Club was
Organized February 7, 1930
Federated 1966

We are involved in our community and are members of

National Garden Clubs, Inc., Central Atlantic Region
The Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc., District I
Adkins Arboretum
American Daffodil Society
Dorchester Historical Society
Friends of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Maryland Daffodil Society

On this website you will find information about the Dorchester Garden Club, general gardening information such as gardening articles, tips and links to other sites of interest to gardeners. We hope you enjoy your visit to our web site.  We are happy to add original gardening articles from anyone wishing to submit one, and we also appreciate your suggestions regarding news, shows, and links to other gardening web sites. 

Click here to read about how to become a member, finding  a DGC sponsor, and the Membership Application Form (updated in 2022-2023) but good for 2024-2025